
Moving on again

Very surprisingly, I had hit the maximum memory again. I guessed the photos taken on iPhone 6S are taking up more memory space an I had been uploading more photos. It was only 5 months’ ago when I reached the maximum storage. So it seemed that I had to move again, and predictably to

Holiday · Hunt

Discounted Disney Tickets

Discounted 2-Day Ticket 1 x General Admission (Ages 12 – 64) (HK$599/ticket) 1 x Child (Ages 3 – 11) (HK$426/ticket) Ticket validity: Discounted 2-Day Ticket valids on or before June 30, 2016. The usual price for a one-day ticket was already HK$539 and HK$385 for an adult and child respectively. The usual price for a two-day ticket was HK$739 and HK$525. Needless to… Continue reading Discounted Disney Tickets